Mourning Cloak
Nymphalis antiopa
On the road here, April 20, 2015
2 Mourning cloaks mating, they did so for a long time, i watched them for an hour, i left before they did, most of the time they were standing totally still, by the way they braced their feet you could see they were alive. At one pointed the left one moved his/her foot and a few second later moved her/his wings slightly another few seconds it opened it's wings and left them open for a few minutes.
I have looked out for the first Mourning Cloak of the season for a long time.
1998 - April 16
1999 - April 16
2000 - April 21
2005 - April 22
2009 - April 25
2010 - April 16
2011 - April 23
2015 - April 20
2022 - April 28
2023 -April 22